onsdag 15. september 2010

Kwaheri Meru, Jamobo Mombasa

Last week, it was time to say goodbye to Meru and to KCA. In many ways it was hard to leave everybody, now that we've gotten to know the kids so well. But as Presilla said: This was only an introduction. Maybe one day we'll see them again - hopefully!

Amos and Emanuel

This is how you do your laundry in KCA

After a few days at Maggies place in Nairobi, we left for Mombasa - a city by the coast of Kenya. We booked a hostel called "The Beach Africa" online. Cheep and nice, we thought. But when we arrived there we realised why it was so cheep. First of all, it was a bit further from Mombasa town than we thought. It was in a place called Mtwapa, and it takes about 35 min with  the local matatus to get there.
Secondly, the hostel. We stayed in a one-room-cottage with two stone beds. There was no glass in the windows, but instead fishingnets. As a result the wind was blowing through our rooms at all times, and the sounds of the waves still haunts us.
Anyway, we learned to enjoy the place and the people there. It was like living in the nature, away from the materialistic environment we often get so used to. And it was really beautiful there, with the indian ocean just a few steps away from our door.

The Beach Bar, also known as the reception

The beach looked like this when the tide was at its lowest, and as you can see you can walk very far out before it gets deep.  Here is a picture of the trees and all the roots that starts to stick out of the water as the earth is getting more and more visible. Theese trees live and get all their nutrition from the saltwater.

Luckaly other places was more suitable for swimming.

The toilets.

Safari, not the excursion but the man on the photo, took us to see a beach nearby the hostel where we could see turtles. Unfortunately the only turtle we saw was this on the wall. So far we haven't been too lucky with spotting the animals. We hope that will change in the future!

It was warmer in Mombasa than in Meru :)

Tuesday we went to experience Mombasa and the old town. Mombasa is a historic city by the coast of East-Africa, but as we figured out, many of the placed near the dock are not open for anyone and is strickly monitored. We still found a little place near the ocean to get a peek at a few ships.

Sunset in Mombasa

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